Removing the Bedroom Cupboards

The master bedroom felt rather claustrophobic from the get go, as the previous owners had these whacking great big built in wardrobes taking up most of the room. They were huge. And…..OK lets say not to our taste. They had to go…

Main bedroom before we moved in

The Master Bedroom

The big one on the other side actually cuts off part of the window. So with the day of carpet fitting fast approaching, we had to take them out (we still managed to put it off about five days running – the draughts took priority).

One down, four cabinets to go. The rest took place the following day.

And we were done! Thank goodness for wireless impact drivers, SO MANY SCREWS!!

The walls are going to need some TLC, and there’s some gaps in the skirting we’ll need to replace.

All gone!

This took a little while and was incredibly dusty. It mostly went smoothly though, and almost everything came apart without breaking. We may reuse some of the pieces to make extra shelves in the gaps in the kitchen, the rest will go to the tip.

And there sure is a lot…

The Spare Room

I think we wrapped that up around 1:30, and then moved on to the back room after lunch. I swear I snapped a before photo, and yet apparently not. So here’s another estate agent one.

It’s er, the tiny sliver on the far left there….sorry

OK so terrible photo. Basically it’s two big sliding doors (actually three, but the big mirror one was already off the rails), with some clothes rails and shelves inside. Oh and it is nasty in there. Peeling paint and wallpaper of various kinds, filthy dusty bits of loosely stuck down carpet, cracking skirting and dodgy runners.

First we managed to get the big doors off. Then we took out the shelves and dismantled the rail frame thing. This left us with a rail on the floor and ceiling, and the boards running top and side to make the edges of the wardrobe.

Once these were all out, we were left with this mess.

Bless this mess

In this alcove is a good 5 different types of wallpaper, and three different paints. The grey carpet has another pink carpet underneath, and an ancient vinyl under that. The latter two go under the whole room.

All the floors!

The skirting on the right has come off entirely leaving a big ole hole. We’re going to have to use that bit as our sample to go buy more to repair damaged parts and fill in gaps in the other room.

Note from Future Us: We never got the skirting. Ah well. New plan, replace it all!

And we were done with the cupboards! We left a hell of a mess, but the rooms felt much bigger immediately, and we’ll be improving things quickly once the carpets are in. The outhouse is getting fuller and fuller…