Electric Dreams

Ben and I weren’t keen on how all the light switches in the house are supplied power through trunking. So we planned to bury the cables in the wall.

We have done a socket and the light switch in the study, and the same on the landing, though this has never quite managed to get finished…

First and foremost Ben turned off the lights circuit and removed the trunking. We also decided to rip out the coving as there would have been an odd gap where the trunking used to be. He chiselled out a channel for the cables to rest in.

This was a pretty messy task as he had to go deep enough to bury the backing box we had bought. We have since bought smaller backing boxes meaning we no longer have to chisel out the brick which is good news for our carpets. Next we lined up the casing and nailed it in place to protect the cables. He then spent the next week gradually cover it over with filler.

The following weekend he sanded it down and the odd wallpaper marks on the wall while I removed the wallpaper that had been under the newly removed coving. The next day we painted one coat of stabiliser and two coats of white paint over the top. We are embarrassingly happy with our one white wall in the study even if we did have to lose Pierre the bartender in the process.

We also did the one working socket in the study.

We next moved onto the landing…

Since this we are out of rooms with easy to clean floors, so electrical has taken a back seat to other work. That black mortar and brick is just a nightmare!