Perks of Removing the Wallpaper

After we had the heating upgraded, we had dreams of finishing off the downstairs. We decided to return to removing wallpaper in the kitchen in the hope that the other walls wouldn’t prove as difficult as the first one. We picked the radiator wall to start with by the dining room table as some of the wallpaper had already been stripped back when the radiator was replaced.

Several hours later with the help of the wallpaper steamer we had only managed to clear the paper on that one wall. There’s some proper caverns in the wall by those shoddy plugs on the right.

Having decided the kitchen was a beast we just couldn’t quite face at the time…. we decided to move our efforts upstairs…..

To the master bedroom.

We hoped that by moving onto the bedroom we’d have an easier time of it.

We were wrong…again…

This was another difficult one with several layers of wallpaper to get through (some more firmly attached than others). We took about three weekends in total to clear the wallpaper and fill the gaps in the plaster and holes from the old built in wardrobes. This house has certainly seen some eclectic colour schemes….

We are holding off on painting the bedroom as we’re planning to bury the light switches and plugs as well as arrange for some extra sockets to be fitted. In the meanwhile, we get to enjoy going to sleep with pink and purple polka dot walls and the maritime teal is sitting in the kitchen waiting to be opened…..

The study got swiftly ravaged not long after this. It was a pretty easy room, though there were some annoying lumps and bumps where paint layers had leaked through the wallpaper layers over the years.

In order to catch up on posts, I’ve combined some things together and the chronology has become a bit confusing. So after the study was de-wallpapered but before the light was buried, we started a new plan of attack. OPERATION get rid of all the wallpaper before we decorate. With this in mind, Ben worked on the back bedroom and I made a start on the landing. The top paper in the spare room came off with a certain level of ease we’ve yet to brave the under layers though…..

As for the landing….. many many layers were discovered and in the process of trying to remove them some plaster was lost.

We agreed on a cut off point as with the stairs we don’t have the right ladder at the moment to be able to remove wallpaper up to the ceiling. I later revisited the landing and have been removing the residual layers. We’ve discovered another interesting colour scheme…. green and yellow.