Tying Up Loose Ends

Some of these ends were extremely loose. We had stripped the kitchen wall back in January or February, but we didn’t get to painting it until mid October!

Around the same time we finally sold the big green cuddle chair we were using before we had sofas. We had been struggling to sell it for a really long time so it was good to see it go. We did get a little concerned when the people who bought it tried to get it into their hatchback though…

This was never going to work, but they did try about four different angles. An admirable effort.

Luckily they called a taxi and it went easily in the back.

Farewell old cuddle chair, you served us well.

We also got around to finishing painting the study white.

It will not remain white forever, but it’s better than the nasty old wallpaper.

And then a little more recently we finishing stripping the paper down the stairs and in the hall. While doing so, we discovered The Chasm behind the paper.

Having done this, and not being able to reach the paper above the stairs (and not having a suitable ladder), we made the decision to have someone else make this part of the house look….not terrible. There was a lot to do, and we felt someone plastering it would make more of a difference than anything we could do.

There were also a number of other things, such as cutting down the old tank cupboard on the landing to create more light, putting in a proper hatch and ladder for the loft, boxing in some pipes and fixing up the ceiling.

More on that to come…